Digital Tumult started as an off shoot of the Copperhead. Copperhead was a comic book retailer created in 1998 and is in existence still, as you will note by one of our web pages. As things evolved Copperhead deserted its site, so to speak, so that it can exist all over the web. We found that the business expanded using others’ existing sites than generating content on the copperhead site itself.
Digital Tumult came about as a complement to Copperhead, as it sought to increase Copperhead’s comic book base to a greater fictional area and add interactivity. That led to some smaller games, integrated web development, animation, programming and other interactive elements. This offshoot started roughly around 2010, although it took a few years to formally take shape.
Today, Digital Tumult is its own entity and we are fully in the world of software development. We have continued to make games and help other make games. We have also helped companies develop their software as well made some of our own for business and individual customer use.
We started in Maryland and moved around that state quite a bit. I guess we were restless. We ended up moving out of the state to Carmel, Indiana in 2020.